
Time Off? Time to Get Sick!

I finally get a week off, and guess what happens …. I get sick. Sinus infection, a second infection, and a lovely cold sore to top it off. Yes, be jealous! My life is awesome! I get to take these super wonderful, giant antibiotics plus a decongestant, both of which really dehydrate me, give me headaches, and make me nauseous! Not the most ideal situation …. especially since I was really looking forward to enjoying my time off.

It’s terrible. I feel like all of my posts lately have been so negative. I do plan on turning this around (hopefully by the next post). It’s just hard when I am working nonstop and getting sick. There is only so much TV/Netflix I can watch. Thankfully for me, it’s Shark Week! At least I have a legitimate reason to coop up on the couch and just engulf myself in the beautiful week that is Shark Week.

I am officially 1 month away from beginning my move to Florida. I have mixed emotions. Leaving my boyfriend is going to be extremely hard. Long distance absolutely terrifies me. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely excited to go and further my education and career, but he has been a really big part of my life for a long while. I don’t know where I would be or what I would be doing without him.

On a brighter note, I will be writing again very soon. My followers all rock! Thank you for your patience with my hit and miss writing!

7 thoughts on “Time Off? Time to Get Sick!

    • Hello! I will be moving there for college in August! I will be attending Palm Beach Atlantic University. You can read a little bit about it in my “Just A Catch Up!” post. 🙂 Thank you so much for reading!


  1. It is tough having a week off camp and being sick McKenna. I do hope you are feeling better. Long distance relationships can be tough, there is a saying “distance makes the heart grow fonder”. When my wife and I were dating (engaged at the time) we were 7 months apart. That was 28 years ago when there was no e-mails or facebook or twitter or instagram, and telephone calls from Canada to New Zealand was $3 a minute. Everything was hand written letter, which took around 10 days to arrive. Hard at the time, but looking back now, is cherished.
    McKenna, I have given you an acknowledgement, for your blog and who you are. No obligation to pay forward. Just would like to have more readers come your way. Here is the link:
    Have a WONDERFUL day! 🙂

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    • You are, by far, one of my favorite followers! Thank you so much for the recognition! I did get a couple followers from this post. It was such a blessing! It’s always so nice to hear about couples that were able to survive long distance relationships and make it in the long run! It’s so inspiring. 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words!

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